Support Us
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Navopatia Field Station is member supported. While we apply for as many grants as possible the annual support of our members and supporters remains one of our most important sources of funding. With your donations we are able to continue the important education and research. Donations also give us matching funds that allow us to apply for a wider variety of outside assistance.
If you own a business, consider giving to the Navopatia Field Station through the program 1% for the planet. This is an organization of over 700 businesses that donate 1% of their sales to environmental groups. Alamos Wildlands Alliance (AWA, our former name) is a receiving organization, for more information visit-
NFS has traditionally run on an extremely lean budget and the contributions of unpaid staff and members. Everything is stretched as far as possible. Without your support the Navopatia Field Station would not be able to continue its programs. You can donate online via Stripe by simply pressing the support us button at the top of this page or you can send a check to:
Navopatia Field Station
1402 S Shannon Road
Tucson, AZ 85713
If you have a skill or resource that you think may be a helpful in-kind contribution please email us at
We are accepting donations on our "wish list" at anytime.
If you would like more information or wish to donate one of the above items please email us at:
Wish List
If you would like more information or wish to donate one of the above items please email us at: